How to understand the headache of sinusitis?

Everyone suffers from headaches. Occasionally there is a headache. Again, there is a change in blood pressure, but there is severe pain in the head and neck. Danger if the headache persists.

Many people suffer from sinusitis headaches. Impulse Hospital nose, ear and throat specialist Professor Dr. details. Zahir Al-Amin.

Although there are more than 300 causes of headaches, the common causes are mainly divided into three categories:

  • Nervous and neurovascular headaches: The most common of these are migraines and anxiety headaches.
  • Eye headaches.
  • Sinus headaches.

Any chronic or long-term problem is caused by anxiety, stress and physical weakness. This also applies to chronic headaches. Other physical weaknesses and anxieties may cause it to increase or manifest. Chronic headaches are associated with sinus and nasal symptoms, such as nasal congestion, runny nose, and fever, which are mainly caused by sinusitis.

Some of the cells inside the bones around the nose and eyes are called sinuses. The lining of the nose and sinuses is the same and the sinuses are covered with an extended part of the lining of the nose. Therefore, if there is any inflammation in the nose, the same problem usually affects the sinuses and the problems of the nose and sinuses are mainly related to each other.

Nasal and sinus diseases are one of the major health problems in the United States at an annual rate of about 14 percent. Where it is one of the major chronic diseases in the adult population.

Since the lining of the nose and sinuses is related to the lining of the trachea and lungs and is structurally similar, any inflammatory problem can start from both sides or if the inflammation starts on one side there is a risk of infection on the other side or the problem on one side. May affect.


Headache, heaviness and tightness of the head, nasal congestion, nasal congestion, runny or runny nose, bad breath, occasional high fever or mild fever, constant physical weakness, nasal congestion Shortness of breath or shortness of breath or sleep apnea syndrome are some of the common symptoms.


The main cause is viral infection. In addition, the nose is closed due to allergies and nasal structural reasons. For example: nasal bone curve (DNS), nasal polyp, nasal tumor etc. Other causes include chronic infections like TB, syphilis, etc.

General resistance

  • Stay away from dust, smoke, cold which is the primary cause of chronic sinusitis.
  • Do not use carpet at home.
  • Do not use furniture made of foam.
  • Rinse nose several times a day with lukewarm salt water (a pinch of salt in a glass of lukewarm water), or take hot steam.
  • Do not use any chemical in the nose such as benzene, menthol.

ENT test: Overall, it is important to have a nose, ear and throat test.

Laboratory Testing (Investigation)

  • X-ray of sinus: This test is not usually done in western countries nowadays.
  • CT scan of the sinuses (which requires a special image): An essential test for chronic sinus problems in the modern world.
  • Other laboratory tests are performed as per general requirements.


  • Infections from the nose can easily spread to the sinuses and surrounding areas such as the eyes, eye nerves, brain, teeth, face, esophagus, trachea and can cause serious complications.
  • Eye complications: Inflammation of the eyelids, inflammation of the eyes, inflammation of the retina, etc.
  • Complications of the brain (complications inside the skull): meningitis (inflammation of the lining around the brain), encephalitis, brain abscess, etc.
  • Inflammation of the bones and bone marrow of the face Osteomyelitis.
  • Other complications such as facial cellulitis (inflammation of the face), swelling of the mouth, toothache.
  • Abnormal road formation between mouth and sinuses, oro-entalfistula, inflammation of esophagus, inflammation of respiratory tract, etc.


  • Topical nasal steroid-essential for stabilizing inflammation of the nasal membranes.
  • Nasal decongestants (cheap nasal drops) should be used for a very short time. Prolonged use can lead to complications of nasal problems. We need to be careful in this regard.
  • Pseudoephedrine can be used for a long time.
  • Sleeping 9 antihistamines are used to cure symptoms.
  • Antibiotics – Short-term courses of antibiotics that work on both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria may be needed occasionally.

Other medical procedures should be used only as directed by a specialist.

Surgical treatment

If there is no complete cure with medicine or if there is no cure as expected or if there is a need for frequent medicine or if there is any structural defect in this area then operation is required. Different types of surgical treatment include nasal congestion, SMD, turbinestomy or septoplasty. Endoscopic sinus surgery has opened a new chapter, surpassing all previous medical procedures. It is currently the only reliable surgical treatment for chronic sinus problems in the developed world.

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